由國家發展委員會、TiEA台灣網路暨電子商務產業發展協會、AppWorks之初創投、Knowing新聞共同主辦「WHATs NEXT!移動到未來」產業高峰論壇,齊聚國內外網路產業領導者,透過標竿企業的典範經驗分享,並搭建產官學界溝通平台,讓台灣移動產業能夠整合台灣軟實力、硬實力、巧實力,不僅創造與國際產業接軌的機會,更一起攜手大步邁入新移動經濟時代。
2016/08/08(一) | |
09:00-17:00 | 三創數位生活園區5F CLAPPER STUDIO(台北市中正區市民大道三段2號) |
09:00-09:15 | 開幕致詞暨Keynote Speech |
展望2020台灣網路經濟趨勢(龔明鑫/國家發展委員會副主委) | |
09:15-09:30 | 開幕致詞暨Keynote Speech |
The Rise of airbnb(Dylan Smith/airbnb亞太區公共事務負責人) | |
09:30-09:45 | Keynote Speech |
雲端科技顛覆學習模式(沈沛鴻/TutorABC營運長) | |
09:45-10:00 | Keynote Speech |
Becoming Mobile First:Why it's about culture, not technology.(Sophie-Charlotte Moatti/Opera軟體公司董事、矽谷知名科技作家) | |
10:00-11:00 | 成功講堂:跨國移動之光 |
主持人:詹益鑑/AppWorks 之初創投合夥人 與談人:張乃文/XONE創辦人暨董事長 吳德威/台灣雪豹科技董事長 黃肇嘉/源思科技(Jukier)總經理 李佳峰/小米科技台灣總經理 陳琚安/YAHOO 亞太區策略及營運部副總裁 | |
11:00-12:00 | 青創講堂:年輕世代創新局 |
主持人:程九如/TiEA 秘書長、AppWorks 之初創投合夥人 與談人:林富元/矽谷橡子園創投共同創辦人、矽谷多元天使集團董事長 邱繼弘/funP、cacaFly 創辦人暨執行長 謝綸/Aotter 電獺公司共同創辦人暨執行長 楊佳燊/傑思•愛德威媒體創辦人暨執行長 莊智超/IOH開放個人經驗平台創辦人暨執行長 | |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch Time |
13:30-13:45 | Keynote Speech: |
共享平台對在地經濟的發展(張及人/XONE 亞洲區策略長) |
13:45-14:45 | 國際講堂:台灣新創走出去 |
主持人:黃蕙雯/TSS 台灣新創競技場執行長 與談人:林之晨/TiEA 理事長、AppWorks 之初創投創始合夥人 楊方儒/KNOWING 創辦人暨總編輯 顧立楷/Uber 台灣總經理 張及人/XONE 亞洲區策略長 | |
14:45-15:45 | 政策講堂:台灣如何追上 |
主持人:張鐵志/數位時代首席顧問 與談人:張景森/政務委員 余宛如/立法委員 許毓仁/立法委員 徐永明/立法委員 郭耀煌/行政院科技會報執行秘書 | |
15:45-16:45 | 媒體講堂:數位匯流新時代 |
主持人:趙政岷/時報文化董事長、台北書展基金會董事長 與談人:詹婷怡/NCC主任委員 戴偉衡/華遠匯暨華鑫資本董事長 李彥甫/聯合線上總經理 王宗弘/民視新媒體事業群副總經理、鳳梨傳媒總經理 藍宜楨/三立電視台新媒體事業部副總經理 | |
16:45-17:00 | 會後交流 |
17:00-17:30 | 微博大來賓--阿Ken (CLAPPER THEATER現場直播) |
Dylan Smith is Head of Public Affairs for Airbnb in the Asia Pacific region. Airbnb has grown dramatically over the last 8 years, hosting more than 40 million guests in 2015 alone. There are now more than 2.5 million properties on the home sharing platform - a number that has doubled year on year.
Before working for Airbnb, Dylan was a communications consultant to the world's second largest mining company, Rio Tinto, at a time of dramatic changes in world commodity prices and mining practices.
He knows his way around the odd Parliament or two, too. The early days of his career were with senior government ministers in Australian governments - first the Queensland Minister for Environment; then the Minister for Transport and Roads; before taking up a role as a senior advisor to the Majority Leader of Australia's largest local government for a number of years.
From 2008 to 2012 he was Chief of Staff to the Mayor, assisting with the planning, roll out and delivery of a multi billion dollar capital works and civic program on. He's a resident of Sydney but very much a citizen of the world - complete with a big laugh and passion for authentic travel.
In his personal life, Dylan's a big foodie - loves cooking for friends and family and hosting people over in his home (it's bookable on Airbnb too!). He's taught at Nelson Mandela Primary School in Tanzania and climbed the world's tallest free standing mountain.